Sunday, 15 April 2012

An Extension of Myself

I am the luckiest 21 - year - old in the world. Re-wind to about eight months ago, when my dear cousin who is getting married asked me to be her wedding photographer. I was thrilled and honoured and of course I said yes.

What I didn't realise was that she and her lovely fiancee intended to buy me the camera to do it.

Fast-forward to the present, and here I am, gazing lovingly at my new DSLR, feeling like the luckiest person ever.

I intend to practice over and over and over until I can be the best I can be by the wedding day. I want these pictures to be p-e-r-f-e-c-t. So where better to start than by recapping what I thought I already knew (but had mostly forgotten in the years since I last held a DSLR) and by learning a creative technique I have been desperate to master?

First thing was first: White Balance!

Both of these were taken of the same flower at the same time on the same day. Mmmm the power of White Balance.

Secondly: Depth of Field!

The difference in DOF in these images is controlled by the size of the aperture. The top image is at F5.6 whereas the one on the bottom is much smaller. I was excited to notice that I achieved a Bokeh effect in the first image, which got me thinking about doing a Bokeh shoot.

So at last, but not least: Bokeh!

This was my first attempt at intended bokeh. It was frustrating and I forgot to do several things so I will need to give it another go, but I'm not expecting to be good at anything without some practice! For instance, my manual focusing skills leave much to be desired (they always have!) as can be seen on the terrible focus on the perfume bottle.

But anyway, practice makes perfect. Am I right?

♥ Rachel ♥

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